RECALL researcher Evangelos Niforatos interviewed in Dutch Press

Our very own Evangelos Niforatos was interviewed by Dutch Journalist Anke Meijer from the Dutch newspaper “NRC Handelsblad“.  For her article “We maken zo veel meer foto’s dan vroeger – hebben ze nog waarde?” (We take so many more pictures than before – do these still have value?) she asked Evangelos about his work on “My Good Old Kodak” [1] – the smartphone app that would artificially limit the number of pictures one could take with the phone, in order to investigate how this affected both the type of pictures taken, and the kind of memories retained from an event. You can find the original article (in Dutch) at

[1] Niforatos, E., M. Langheinrich, and A. Bexheti. 2014. “My Good Old Kodak: Understanding the Impact of Having Only 24 Pictures to Take.” In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct Publication, 1355–1360. UbiComp ’14 Adjunct. New York, NY, USA: ACM.

WAHM 2016: 3rd Workshop on Ubiquitous Technologies for Augmenting Human Mind

RECALL researchers Tilman Dingler and Evangelos Niforatos recently collaborated with Kai Kunze (Osaka Prefecture University), Cathal Gurin (Dublin City University), Ioannis Giannopoulos (ETH Zurich), Andreas Dengel (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) and Koichi Kise (Osaka Prefecture University) to organize the 3rd Workshop on Ubiquitous Technologies for Augmenting the Human Mind – WAHM 2016. The workshop took place on September 12th in Heidelberg, Germany as part of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp ‘16).
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RECALL Projects at PerDis’16

The Fifth ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays took place from 20th to 22nd of June 2016 in Oulu, Finland. The event brought together researchers from various disciplines with a common interest on the opportunities and challenges raised by the emergence of pervasive display systems. Investigating how pervasive displays can be used to provide memory cues has been one of the research focuses for RECALL from the beginning. Hence, our team — just like the year before —  had a significant presence with a full paper and 2 poster presentations.

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RECALL presenting at Psychonomics Conference

Psychologists on the RECALL team, Prof Geoff Ward and Dr Cathleen Cortis (University of Essex) recently presented findings from RECALL trials at the International Meeting of the Psychonomics Society in Granada, Spain on the 5th-8th May 2016 – see The Psychonomics Society is one of the largest North American conferences for cognitive psychology, and the society organises an annual North American conference and occasional international events.

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Effects of Camera Position and Media Type on Lifelogging Images (MUM Best Paper Award)

At this year’s International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM) we presented results from a RECALL study on lifelog camera  positioning. MUM is a leading annual international conference, which provides a forum for presenting the latest research results on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. The paper – spearheaded by Katrin Wolf – has been awarded with the best paper award.
Continue reading Effects of Camera Position and Media Type on Lifelogging Images (MUM Best Paper Award)

Developer Diary: Enabling secure sharing of personal memories

In our previous work [1, 2, 3], we compared first-person-view lifelog images – e.g., images taken using Narrative Clip devices – with third-person-view lifelog images – e.g., images captured by fixed infrastructure cameras. First-person view images usually provide a very particular vantage point, and as such may miss many things: camera lenses may get covered by clothes or hair, or may simply face the wrong way due to the way they are “mounted” on the body (e.g., with a clip). Even if an unobstructed view can be had, a first-person-view may only show a very small part of the scene, e.g., potentially never showing a person that sits right next to us. Images from fixed infrastructure cameras can compensate for such shortage: their high vantage point usually allows them to captures comprehensive scenes, completely unobstructed. Alternatively, a first-person-view image from another person may equally offer an interesting alternative to my own capture. These considerations prompted us to investigate the best way to combine first-person-view and third-person-view images in RECALL to reconstruct a better representation of a previous experience. Continue reading Developer Diary: Enabling secure sharing of personal memories

ICT 2015 Networking Event

Researchers from the Recall project recently discussed their work and participated in the European Commission’s ICT 2015 event. The event, held in Lisbon from 20-IMG_083522nd October 2015 with the theme ‘Innovate, Connect, Transform’ provided a unique opportunity to highlight the exciting vision of Recall, prompt new discussion around the topic of memory augmentation, and to help promote scientific exploration of augmented cognition in Europe.

As part of their participation in the event, the Recall project members hosted a 45-minute networking session on the topic of `Augmenting Human Cognition – ICT to support capture, reflection and recall’. The vision statement for this session — The time is ripe to attempt the creation of memory augmentation technology that provides the user with the experience of an extended and enhanced memory, but which is based on improvements in the collection, mining, and presentation of appropriate information to facilitate cued memory recall — attracted significant interest from attendees and the session was very well attended.

With approximately 50 attendees from 16 different countries, the event was a fantastic platform for exchanging ideas for advancing ICT and human cognition. The event built new connections between European researchers, innovators and decision makers interested in exploring the area of augmented human cognition. During the session participants worked together to develop the community’s understanding of the challenges, approaches, and possibilities in the space, as well as a shared awareness of work in this area across Europe. Participants generated a wealth of ideas for future research directions in the field and the level of discussion was intense. The feedback on the event was overwhelmingly positive with everyone agreeing that they had successfully networked with new people. We have made a comprehensive report on the event available for downloadICT 2015 Networking Event Report.

Workshop on Mobile Cognition at MobileHCI’15

On August, 24th, at this year’s MobileHCI conference in Copenhagen, members of the RECALL team organized and hosted the workshop on “Mobile Cognition – Using Mobile Devices to Enhance Human Cognition”. We gathered 11 attendees and 7 accepted position papers involving topics like using lifelogging to foster behavior change in a mobile environment as well as cognitive challenges during navigation tasks, just to name a few.

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